Are you looking for a way to discover new cigars without the hassle of buying them? Let our cigar experts do the work for you by sending you a collection of cigars each month selected specifically for you. Stogiebird, launched in February of this year by tobacco industry veteran Sam Leccia of Leccia Tobacco, is the perfect solution. With this Cigar of the Month club, you can free yourself from the time and hassle of buying cigars and, hopefully, discover new brands that you love. When asked what tobacco brands members can expect to find in a typical subscription box, CigarClub says: “We like to mix them with some well-known and tried and tested brands, as well as with some of the boutiques.” Inside each box, Privada Cigar Club also includes tasting notes, basic information about cigars and suggestions for pairing food and beverages.
This is a sheet of paper that comes with monthly cigars that describes not only the tasting notes, but also the notes of the pairing and a complete story about how the cigar came to be and how it was able to be found for the club. You'll learn how each fine cigar is made, what you should consider when smoking them, and you'll get suggestions for alcohol combinations for each different blend. To keep cigars cool and protected from the elements, CigarClub packs your cigars inside a humidified bag before shipping them. But what if we told you that there's a way to get even more value from being an Atlantic Cigar customer? According to Stogiebird, customers can receive cigars from big brands such as Arturo Fuente, Padrón and Drew Estate, as well as from smaller companies such as Leaf by Oscar, RoMa Craft and Recluse Cigars. From time to time, there are special offers, limited editions, and other oddities that are too good for us to publish to the general public. So if you're looking for a way to discover new cigars without having to buy them yourself, then subscribing to a cigar club or signing up for a subscription service is definitely worth considering.
Not only will you get access to exclusive offers and discounts, but you'll also get access to some of the best cigars on the market. Plus, you'll get all the information you need about each cigar so that you can make an informed decision about which ones to buy.