Cigar aficionados know that there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to finding the best cigar. With so many brands, blends, and sizes to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which cigar is right for you. Fortunately, our experts have compiled a list of the top 10 cigars on the market right now. From mild to medium-bodied cigars with a hint of wood and spice, to full-bodied cigars with a creamy aftertaste, there's something for everyone.
At the top of the list is My Father Le Bijou 1922 Churchill. This cigar is the fruit of more than 20 years of meticulous cultivation and agronomy. Its wrapper and binder are made from leaves from the Kelner family farm in the municipality of Yamasá, Dominican Republic. It offers a rich and profound experience that showcases the qualities of the Cibao Valley in the Dominican Republic.
Next up is Davidoff's Yamasá. This exquisite cigar has an Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper grown in the sun, as well as Peruvian, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan tobacco in the filling. It has a harmonious profile that offers a wide spectrum of flavor notes, from mild cinnamon spice to oily leather. Third on our list is La Aurora 1903 Emerald.
This reinvention of the factory's original “Favourites” was first created in the early 20th century. It has an Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper grown in the sun, as well as Peruvian, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan tobacco in the filling. Fourth on our list is Arturo Fuente. These all-time Dominican classics are in extremely high demand due to Fuente's meticulous craftsmanship and dedication.
They are known for their affordability and quality. Fifth on our list is Davidoff Signature Series. This blend balances soft flavors through impeccable Connecticut wrappers and a core of Dominican cigars. It's one of the most consistent manufacturers on the market.
Sixth on our list is Cohiba. This iconic brand uses legitimate wrappers from Cameroon and creamy, balanced blends to create its cigars. It's one of the few names that are known even outside the inner circle of cigar enthusiasts. Seventh on our list is Acid.
This brand has more than 140 botanicals, essential oils, and herbs in its arsenal, along with some of the best cigars in the world. Its unique flavor is an understatement. Eighth on our list is Macanudo Cafe. These handcrafted beauties from the Dominican Republic are among the most sought after cigars in the world, making them the reference standard for how a soft cigar should be mixed and made.
Ninth on our list is La Gloria Cubana. Following Cuban traditions, these cigars are mixed with Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos with a variety of packaging options. They are among the best cigar manufacturers in the world. Finally, tenth on our list is Ashton Aged Mature No.
10 Robusto. This highly regarded premium cigar has a magical and consistent blend. It's one of the most acclaimed and sought after Maduro Robusto cigars in the world today. So if you're looking for a reliable guide to finding the best cigars on the market right now, you've come to the right place! Our experts have compiled this list to help you find your perfect smoke.